
Medical clinic of NEFU: stroke occurs in 2 500 people annually in Yakutia.

  • 29 October 2014
  • 812

Medical clinic of NEFU: stroke occurs in 2 500 people annually in Yakutia.

Stroke is currently one of the main causes of disability in the population. Disabilities become 70-80% of stroke survivors, about 20-30% of them are in need of constant care. Laboratory of neurophysiological medical clinic of NEFU gave such data.

Oct. 29, the day of the global fight against stroke, the scientists warn of danger of the disease. "In Yakutia, according to official statistics, stroke occurs in 2500 people, only in Yakutsk at 700-800 with mortality up to 25%", - reported in the laboratory.

According to experts, there is a simple but reliable test for the diagnosis of stroke in home. "Ask the patient to smile or show their teeth. When a stroke occurs facial asymmetry is noticeable, ie, smile will curve . Also ask to lift and hold both hands for five seconds at 90 ° in the sitting position and 45 ° in the supine position. When a stroke occurs one hand sinks. Let the patient to repeat a simple phrase after you. When a stroke occurs human speech becomes slurred, incoherent "- advises scientists. In the presence of at least one symptom, indicating the development of stroke, an urgent need to call an ambulance.

Recall that a stroke - an acute stroke, characterized by the sudden appearance of focal and / or cerebral neurological symptoms that persists for more than 24 hours or leading to death of the patient in a short period of time due to cerebrovascular disease.

Author: Ульяна ЕВСЕЕВА, редакция новостей СВФУ

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